We leave the lower firing line and move into “Whiz-Bang Corner” at the “Crows Nest”. There are no dug-outs for No. 9 Section, so rest in open whilst the others sleep (till noon) then our section returns for a rest.
At 4:30 pm I report to Medical Officer as I have a bad cold. Get medicine and sleep at stretcher –bearers dug-out.
At 5:30 pm Germans send over a whiz bang, which falls into the trench opposite the dugout where I had been sleeping. It killed Private 10993 GM Hodgson the son of a C of E Parson of Bishops Waltham and shock [sic] Private 51291 Kirby, HE.
As I passed up the trench I came upon the stretcher bearers who were in a tight place with the dead body of Hodgson on the stretcher. I lifted Hodgson into my arms and let them get the stretcher free. Hodgson had half his face blown away. I sleep at the stretcher-bearers dug-out. Feel very weak.
A Taube flies over our lines and we open fire but fail to hit it (5 pm).
Corporal Brown of 2 Company wounded in the arm and leg.
Thursday 7 October 1915 – fair and cold
No. 9 Section is allotted a listening post in advance of the main fire trench. I do sniping and make two bags. Lots of rifle fire at night.