Breakfast at 8am
Bread, bacon & tea. Many men ill from yesterday’s march & little or no food.
Commanding Officer gives out orders for a route march ah! The groans!
Still we volunteered for all this.
Arrived back from Route March at 1 pm. Pack up & off again for the station at 5 pm. What a march!
Stop upon stop but finally reach the station. We receive great enthusiasm & welcome in Havre. We waited in the station yard in a cold bleak wind for 5 hours & then bundled into a horse box – 40 men to a horse box. Packed worse than sardines some standing and some sitting, our packs & rifles all over the place. Sleep impossible under these circumstances. The door is shut on us and we are left in comparative darkness, for a small lamp which was in the horse box soon flickered & went out. Glad when morning came & daylight.