Everyone involved in this project, whether as individuals or representatives of an organization, finds some point of personal connection, across generations, with the Great War. All are honoured to be involved in bringing the Draycott diaries – hitherto little known – to the wider attention they deserve, locally, nationally, and further afield. The enthusiasm of all our participants confirms our conviction that diverse audiences will learn from, and be moved by, the voice of Walter Draycott as he fought on the battlefields of Europe a century ago.
The website is the result of a team effort by NVMA volunteers, staff, and contractors:
Janet Moody, transcription and annotation
Cameron Fraser, transcription
Graham Landon, annotation
Janet Turner, Archivist, Project Coordinator
Brad Carlson, Project Scanning Technician
Shirley Sutherland, Publicity
Anna Wilkinson, Publicity and Research
Diksha Sharma, Website Technician
Petra Klein – Website design
Gordon Roberts – Voice-over Narration
David Borys, PhD – Military Historian
We are grateful to the following major funders for making the project possible:
Veterans Affairs Canada
City of North Vancouver
District of North Vancouver
Friends of the North Vancouver Museum & Archives Society
Canada Summer Jobs program
Young Canada Works
We are also grateful to these major donors, whose funding indicates the kind of community support that will enable the project to continue through 2018.
Summerhill PARC Retirement Living
Don Evans
Judy Oberlander and Associates Inc.
Yosef Wosk