Working on addition to house this afternoon.
H.M.S. Cruiser Good Hope is sunk by Germans off Chilean Coast: all hands lost.
To Neate’s Residence in evening & took cuttings for Mrs Neate.
*HMS Good Hope and Battle of Coronel – The HMS Good Hope was a Drake-Class armoured cruiser built around 1900 for the British Royal Navy. On the 1st of November Good Hope was engaged by 3 German cruisers at the battle of Coronel. HMS Good Hope attempted to charge the German cruisers to better attack at close range, but was heavily bombarded by the German vessels. Eventually the forward magazine of Good Hope exploded, completely devastating the ship and causing it to sink quickly. All 919 men on board were lost including 4 Canadians. These 4 men were the first casualties of the newly created Royal Canadian Navy.