Harry’s Birthday. 29 years of age. Letters from Harry and Sophie White and two from Bessie of Lynn Creek B.C. There are German Zeppelins over Yarmouth and Sandringham. They drop bombs killing many people and damaging property. On leave from 2 till 5 pm. Sent papers off.
Visited the Cathedral of Christ Church. The Bodleian Library, Divinity Hall, Convocation Hall, and Chancellors Court. Back to hospital at 4:30 pm.
*Zeppelins were used by the German Army and Navy during WWI for reconnaissance and bombing missions. The Zeppelins had to be flown at very high altitudes to be effective as they were susceptible to damage by ground fire. Their vulnerability and high altitude flight were to blame for limited success in bombing missions. The first bombing raid by Zeppelins on England took place on the night of January 19th 1914. Zeppelins L3 and L4 had intended to attack Humberside but were thwarted by strong winds. They instead bombed Great Yarmouth and Sheringham