Leave Buneville @ 6:15 AM, very sharp frost. General’s orderly in kilt feels it keenly.
We walk to Maizieres & to Tincques catch motor lorry at “ for Savy – Aubigny and finally Mingoval. We walk thro’ Villers – Chatel to Cambligneul where are HdQrs are.
OC 49th Col Greisbach is our acting General. Our General MacDonell goes into Hosp @ Chateau – Beauvan with dysentery. PP’s go to Ecoivers near acq. & Mont. St Eloy. We billet @ Mairie (town hall).
Saturday 21 October 1916 – Hard frost
Up @ 5:30 am. I March off at 8 am with General’s Orderly and an observer – Walls to Buneville. Go other side of Villers L’Hopital we get a ride on motor lorry to Estree-Wamin & I then walk thro’ Houvin-Houvigneul – Moncheaux, to Buneville 42nd at Moncheaux.
Had difficulty with billeting. Our billeting officers leave for next stopping place & hand over billets to a private. Have trouble with RCR transport officer on priority.