Busy sketching & forget all about Sunday. Enemy shell Poperinghe & Busseboom camp. Pt. Peart is wounded in eye when firing from parapet. My best chum.
A Zeppelin passes overhead making westward with much noise.
Saturday 15 April 1916
Snow & hail in morning.
I go twice under shell & rifle fire to Co H.Q. (the culvert). Interview McD. at 12 & again at 1 PM. We study positions together and decide on making a fresh line on our front. We have aerial photos to go on & compare with our maps. I meet Major Gault who exchanges greetings with a merry laugh & a joke.
Leave H.Q. at 3:30 for Ypres to visit Brigade H.Q. As I pass on Menin road a whiz bang shell strikes within 20 feet from us. I enter Ypres at 4:15 PM & leave at 5:30 PM thro’ Vlamertinge & Busseboom arr. camp 9:30 PM after calling on Wallach.