Froze hard all night. Feet of boys very cold. Huns very lively last night.
French mortar bombs, rifles, grenades, etc. are sent over by us.
Lively bombardment this morning whizz-bang shells from Huns come over about noon. Nose cap from one narrowly misses my head and bores its way into tree in front of me. At 2 PM to firing line from trench supports. At 3:15 I cut the hair of Major Grey and Capt Cornish in their dug out, Major Curry returns from leave to England, lively bombardment in evening.
Monday 24 January 1916 – Fair & Frosty
Heavy bombardment all day. Capt Cornish + I watch Hun sniper destroy a periscope. Heavy artillery fire from own Whiz Bangs.
Enemy send over Trench bombs + Rifle grenades. We are relieved by 42nd Canadian, + 49th by RCR
We go back to Stink Farm [sic] where the Huns had shelled a few days previous.