Enemy opens up with all machinery of warfare on our portion of Salient at 8:30 am.
Frightful sight all is hurry & bustle @ Bde Hd Qrt quite a change from former lassitude & inactivity. Great demand for maps & information. Capt Wallis in a nonsensical attitude. Absent-minded but full of excitement.
I lay down my pen and sneak out to lend assistance, contrary to orders. One cannot stand by and see his comrades die & not avenge them.
At noon it is reported the Huns have broken thro’ our lines.
Communication only by runners, wires all cut by shell fire.
*Battle of Mont Sorrel- A battle lasting from June 2nd to 14th 1916. As the German military saw a buildup of British Troops in the Somme, they attempted to draw resources away by attacking Canadian troops near Ypres. The German troops first attacked high positions on Mount Sorrel and Tor Top that were held by Canadian troops and quickly captured the positions. The Canadians were preparing to attack the German positions at this time but were caught off guard by the German attack. However, after a series of skirmishes following the initial attack, Canadian troops backed by the British were able to take back most of their positions by June 14th 1916.