Bde left Herrisart for Vadencourt via Carnoy. I march with them. Arr. Vadencourt at 10 am. Capt MacDonald tells me the general wants to see me. The General asks me to go on to Albert alone and on to Div. Hdqrs in firing lines to get information of trenches etc. Got on to motor lorry carrying 9’2” shell ammunition.
Arr. @ Albert. Walked to UNSA Hill (Div Hdqrs) got maps & latest news. Our General arrives on horseback with Capt. MacDonald & Lt. Willis aide de camp. General thanks me for the sketch of Ypres Ramparts I gave him. The 3rd Div has no rations so I go into Albert for tea. Have had nothing since Breakfast. When in Albert I meet Sergt Major Foden and the 2nd Sergt. of No 3 Coy. We seek aid of Imperial Troops who put us up for the night in dugouts. Enemy shelling Thiepval and vicinity.