Storm abated. I come off “sentry go” at 1 pm. Company returns from digging trenches at 2:30 pm. I appear before Major MacInnery to answer why I went on Maxim gun instruction class without orders. I get severely reprimanded for doing a good service to the Regiment. I cannot give any defence on account of the usual underdog policy – etc; I interview the Officer of the Maxim Gun Party. Back to my open wagon bed at 7:30 pm. A bitterly cold windy night & I sleep but little. Heavy bombarding during the night. Mail comes in but none for me. Cannot keep feet warm – always in the cold mud. Many men report to the medical officer for treatment for Rhumatism, colds etc; get little sympathy from that gentleman.
*Maxim gun- A machine gun invented by Sir Hiram Maxim. Notable for being the first recoil operated firing system ever invented. The energy of the recoil was used to eject the spent shell, and pull a new bullet into position. The single barrel had to be water cooled. By the start of WWI the Maxim machine gun had been redesigned and there were many newer and enhanced models available