Up at 9 am. Dinner at 2 pm. Have a lovely time & enjoy a quick rest in afternoon. Supper at 6 pm & enjoy the company of Mrs. Bell. In evening, to Fetherstonhaugh’s & stayed till 9:30 pm. The girls are at Edmonton on vacation. Introduced to Mr. & Mrs. Mac Murphy. Home to Lynn Valley at 11:30 pm.
Saturday 8 August 1914
Working on house in morning. In afternoon to Theobald’s & Quirt’s. Left Vancouver at 6 pm for Burnaby. Arrive at Fetherstonhaugh at 8 pm. Leave 8:30 for Wagstaffe’s where I stay all night. Arthur Junior is not at home. Charles Germyn calls in morning regarding timber on Lots 3 and 4, District Lot 2087