A very busy day for myself & Fritz. General MacDonnel gets a letter from Duke of Connaught but can not decipher it so I lend him my magnifying glass and assist him.
Capt Wallis goes on a sneaked pass to England. He has words with Major Adamson PPCLI to that effect. Capt Papineau & Col Lamel, of 3rd Div, visit Brigade H.Q. The former goes up the line with “Confusion Wallis.”
Monday 21 August 1916 – Rain (showers)
Working on panoramic map & finish it in afternoon. Hangs on wall of General’s room. General MacDonnell says he is very much pleased with it & rendering his thanks. The Bde is relieved @ night. I stay behind to give assistance to 11th brigade (British) 2Lt. Fraser-Luckie intell officer. Capt Fellowes staff Capt (In morning go to front line with L/c White).
Saturday 27 May 1916 – fine
Enemy shell our position vigorously. Much aeroplane activity.
A man is killed at the pontoon bridge when standing in opening thro the Rampart. Both legs shot off by shell.
A party of 9 in ch[arge?] of Pte. Harrison arrive at Bde Hqr for working party build room in Rampart.
General MacDonnell arrives back to Bde.
*Pontoon Bridge – A bridge supported by buoyant materials that will float upon water. They are usually temporary and were very useful in war time as they could be quickly constructed or removed. They were used extensively during the war for river crossings.
Thursday 20 January 1916 – fine
Blankets rolled in bundle of ten and preparation made to go into trenches tonight. Left Dranoutre 4:45 PM for trenches arr. 6:30. Take over D3 + D4. Night passed quiet except for sniping
Sergt Landells is wounded in leg by bullet discharged by a 42nd Battn Canadian whilst in trenches. General Macdonnell visits trenches.