Enemy bombarding Ypres & vicinity. Much aircraft activity – two of our AA guns fire 130 shells without result. (expense) An interesting fight takes place over Hooge but enemy aeroplane gets safely away.
5 of our planes go over enemy lines amidst a hail of shells and return 2 hours later amidst another hail, no damage to them.
In evening I go over Ypres with a dispatch rider to show him the sights. Much shelling of the Lille Gates. Enemy send over gas at 11 PM, 2 & 4 am little damage done.
*Lille Gate – A gate in town of Ypres just south of the city center it is the only surviving gate from the ramparts of the 14th century. The towers at the gate were used as military headquarters for a while due to the protection they provided from artillery fire. These were the only historic gateway in Ypres to survive the bombardment of WWI