Pt Peart + self go to Neuve Eglise + Ploegsteert on a Ramble. In afternoon heavy shells fall around + over billet.
General’s groom is wounded in leg as shell bursts over Generals (Bgde) dugout.
Tuesday 11 January 1916
McLean of No 2 Co. dies of Wounds
Fair later Rain. Went to Neuve Eglise & took photos. Then on to Wulverghem & ditto. Met old friend William Borrie of Canadian Engineers & of Vancouver. Great reception. Heavy shelling by us the Boshes reply feebly. I see many men being brought out of trenches on stretchers. Boches using Rifle grenades & Trench Mortars. Back to RE’s [Royal Engineers?] dugout & take — [blanks here may mean ‘photo’] of Will Borrie & Chums. To Neuve Eglise & take —[photos?] Back to billets at 1 PM. Cut hair. Huns viciously bombard trenches at night with rifle & hand grenades.