Left Ribeaucourt with General’s Orderly Pte Currie @ 7:30. Arr chateau de Beausoin at 11 am. General MacDonell is ill & goes to hospital. PP’s go to Ouen & RCK Villers L’Hopital.
Grand day. Capt Wallis goes to trenches @ Vimy. Get names of people re billeting chateau & villagers.
Monday 16 October 1916
Left Berteaucourt @ 6:30 passed thro’ Domart. Rested in cemetery. Reached Ribeaucourt @ 11 AM. General resides @ chateau with other Bde officers. Officers go for ride on horse-back thro’ the woods. Difficult billeting. Poor [houses?] cannot purchase food.
The family of de Bernfy resides in chateau but are away in Amiens @ present.