Pte Walls, Whiteside (sleuth) and Crawford are out in Quarry road building an O.P. Enemy busy with his trench mortars. I observe from an “Iron Tree” O.P. enemy shell this area & – I have to leave as am all alone & carry plans.
At 3 PM enemy aeroplane flies overhead. Col Pelly returns from England. Major A Adamson assumes OC of PPCLI.
Archives for October 2016
Monday 30 October, 1916
Fritz busy sending us minenwerfers & rifle grenades. My observers are out trying to find a site for observation post = OP.
Sunday 29 October, 1916
Miserable weather & very cold. I go to Neuville St Vaast to see town Mayor, re plans of village. Pte Kerr of 49th is a VC for valour on the Somme area. Lt MacNeil goes away to Canadian Corps on staff (adj to Instr’n school).
*John Chipman Kerr – A Canadian recipient of the Victoria Cross, the most prestigious award for gallantry in the face of the enemy. On September 16th 1916, during an attack at Courcelette, Private Kerr ran along the trenches towards the enemy as he knew that they were running short of bombs. He opened fire at point blank range and took 62 prisoners as the enemy was convinced they were surrounded. Some of Kerr’s fingers had been blown off in the attack but he did not seek medical attention until the prisoners had been escorted back.
Saturday 28 October, 1916
Rain. Have located a dugout in La Targette village. Does not suit, too damp! Try another – too many rats! Try another – satisfaction. Lt Wallis says too far from HdQrs but cannot use his brain to provide me with quarters there. Maps are spoiling for the damp has got at them. Damn fools these so called officers. Would that they had to foot the bill of cost. Fritz shells heavily with trench mortars.
Friday 27 October, 1916
No place to work in so no business done. A new dugout is being built for the Brigade Major & I can take his when he goes into the new one. The new one will be shell proof, the old one is not but good enough for me I guess.
Thursday 26 October, 1916
No place to work in.
Wednesday 25 October, 1916
We leave for trenches at Neuville St Vaast. Our rear Bde HdQrs are at Mont St Eloy. It rains heavily and we march through it. The 180th Imperial (London) Brigade 60th Div do not move until tomorrow.
At 7 PM we move. Night very dark, walking is difficult. Very little shelling. Arr dugouts @ Aux Rietz 9 PM.
Officers dugouts are splendid, the mens – as usual. I sleep down a chalk mine close handy where 2,000 Germans were once gassed by the French.
Tuesday 24 October, 1916
“” “” [Fixing maps all day]
Monday 23 October,1916
Fixing maps all day.
Sunday 22 October, 1916
Leave Buneville @ 6:15 AM, very sharp frost. General’s orderly in kilt feels it keenly.
We walk to Maizieres & to Tincques catch motor lorry at “ for Savy – Aubigny and finally Mingoval. We walk thro’ Villers – Chatel to Cambligneul where are HdQrs are.
OC 49th Col Greisbach is our acting General. Our General MacDonell goes into Hosp @ Chateau – Beauvan with dysentery. PP’s go to Ecoivers near acq. & Mont. St Eloy. We billet @ Mairie (town hall).
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