Raining hard
I write letters.
I visit Neate’s at 9:10 pm. Home at 10:30 pm
ǀǀ Charles Theobald leaves my company for good to join Naval Service at Esquimalt. 9 pm ǀǀ
Walter Draycott’s Great War Chronicle
North Vancouver Museum & Archives
Raining hard
I write letters.
I visit Neate’s at 9:10 pm. Home at 10:30 pm
ǀǀ Charles Theobald leaves my company for good to join Naval Service at Esquimalt. 9 pm ǀǀ
Working on my house all day.
Charles Theobald receives a telegram from Ottawa – “To Esquimalt at once” for naval service. Telegram arrived 5:30 pm
Mrs Graham, Charles Graham & myself go to visit Reverend N.J Thompson’s Residence. The Women’s Auxiliary of St. Clements were there making comforts for the Canadian troops
Charles & self work on addition, shingling roof.
I receive letter from Brother Charles. He has enlisted in Lord Kitchener’s Army with Aviation Corps.
Charles Theobald receives no letter from Esquimalt yet.
Neill calls & plays card with Charles & self
Working on Schools Keith Road. Hugh Neill calls in evening & has chat – feels lonely
The heat is very intense.
German Cruiser Leipzig is outside Cape Flattery. HMS Rainbow is in Esquimalt, also Shearwater & Algerine.
*HMS Rainbow –An Apollo-class cruiser originally built for Great Britain’s Royal Navy but was transferred to the Royal Canadian Navy in 1910. The Rainbow was brought into Vancouver to assist with the Komagata Maru incident; it also patrolled the west cost of North America during WWI.
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