Arrived at Ottawa at 10:10 am & had some coffee (10c cup). Ottawa has about 3 flags flying. Slushy snow here.
Arrive in Montreal at 12:55 noon
Took transfer baggage Bus to Place Viger Station (C.P.R) for Quebec.
Strolled into Montreal City & had dinner & supper. Saw “Million Dollar Mystery” Finale. Sent Picture Postcards to friends. On train at 11:30 pm
Monday 9 November 1914 – fair
To Post Office & received my transportation papers from Ottawa.
Mrs Graham (Bessie) says “I am absolutely Happy” ?!!x?????
Said good bye to Mr Neats, Maude, Jack Barker, Whipps.
To Vancouver with Mrs. F Graham & Charles. Went to Dominion & Rex Theatre. C.P.R. Station.
To Neate’s and Esdaile’s & I said good-bye also to Councillor Westover & Duncan’s.
Back to Graham’s at 10:30 pm
Saturday 7 November 1914 – rain
Working on the addition to house. No letter from Ottawa.
I go to Neate’s & take a pot plant.
I receive an invitation to tea from Mr & Mrs Neate. To Reverend N.J. Thompson’s at 6:30 pm. Stay for dinner & chat till 9 pm. Back to Mrs Graham’s at 9 pm.
Thursday 29 October 1914 – fine
Working on my house all day.
Charles Theobald receives a telegram from Ottawa – “To Esquimalt at once” for naval service. Telegram arrived 5:30 pm
Mrs Graham, Charles Graham & myself go to visit Reverend N.J Thompson’s Residence. The Women’s Auxiliary of St. Clements were there making comforts for the Canadian troops
Monday 26 October 1914 – fine
Working on the addition to my house with Charles Theobald.
I receive a notice from Ottawa to the effect that I get medically examined & forward on the certificate to Ottawa when I will receive my transportation papers etc:
To Haswells in evening & broke the news to Mrs F Graham my cousin
Saturday 24 October 1914
Charles Theobald’s reply is sent to Ottawa.
I write to Gilbert Hall at Customs House City regarding “Old Soldiers”. Mrs. F Graham & self go to Vancouver to see the “Million Dollar Mystery” at the Rex Theatre.
Home at 11:30 pm
Wednesday 14 October 1914 – fair & warm
Working all day at Keith Road School
I quit the work there for good.
To Haswell’s in evening
Stayed 9:30 pm. Mr Callow there also.
Get reply from Militia at Ottawa but no satisfaction to me
Wednesday 30 September 1914 – fair
Working on Keith Road School
I send letter to Ottawa, also one 2 days ago offering my services to government
Reverend N.J. Thompson calls
The Battle of the Aisne has lasted 18 days
To Haswell’s at 8 pm.
*The Battle of the Aisne – A follow up attack by French and British forces after the Battle of the Marne. The battle began on September 12th. The German troops quickly retreated and then created entrenched defensive positions on the North Bank of the Aisne River. The French and English also dug in, creating entrenched positions.