To Stoke on 1:18 train. Weather fine in morning. had fine interesting chat with Tony (Mr [N or W Hulme?]). Arr. Stoke 2 PM. Went to see Thomas I. Draycot. Back to Stafford 5 PM. To Betty’s for tea & after to doctors for medicine. At 8 PM to Betty’s for supper with Tony. Tony leaves for doctor at 10. Betty & I have interesting chat …. To bed at 11 PM at Mrs. Webbs Pvt. Boarding house where Tony stays.
Sunday 27 February 1916 – fine
Fine. Up at 9 am & breakfast with Mr. Mrs & Tom Draycot. At 10 am to see Edith. Will. comes down to see me. Tom likes my photos. Left Bolton at 1:50 PM. JW, Mrs Draycot & TOM see me off. Arr. L’pool 2:50 PM. To home, many telegrams awaiting me from Betty. Pass rest of evening with family. Harry arrives from Queen’s No. 1 dock from S. S. Elwy @ 8 PM & Jim Boyle at 10 PM. Enjoy evening singing.
Saturday 5 December 1914 – dull & showers, high winds
Up at 9 am. Visited Grandma Draycot & Mrs Davenport. To Leicester with Cyril Green & visited my Aunt & Cousins.
Had a tea with Fred & at 12:30 to dinner with Mr., Mrs., & Cyril Green. Back to Draycot store & had chat with Mrs Draycot at 1:30 pm. Took 2:10 pm train with Cyril for Sileby.
To bed at 2:15 am (stayed up with Maud).