On bus in Locre to rejoin rgt. We are told rgt. Left Dranoutre for Fletre or Mont des Cats. Back to Bailleul & report to Can. camp Commandant at 11 am.
Get into motor lorrie for Meteren & then walk to billets near Mont des Cats, arrive about 1:15 PM. A great greeting by the troops who afterwards informed me I was in orders as struck off the strength of battalion active list. Should have gone to Folkestone or Shorncliffe.
Saturday 14 August 1915
My pass for Ashford and Canterbury is not granted. Reason given am attached still to Headquarters.
Left Shorncliffe for Ashford at [3] pm.
To the Harmon family and had tea. With Miss Lawrence (Jessie) and William Harmon.
To post office at 8 and stayed till – 9 pm. Chatting with the girls
Thursday 12 August 1915
Worked up till 2 pm when an order came to pack up and rejoin my unit the Princess Patricias Canadian Light Infantry. I refused to transfer into the Canadian Ordnance Corps but did not mind being attached.
Left Ashford at 5:56; train to Shorncliffe arrived at 7 pm. Quite a change.
Escorted Miss Challis home from C of E Soldier’s Club.
Monday 9 August 1915 – showers and sultry
L/c Vivian does not show up all day
Gave Vancouver papers to Soldier Club
To cinema house in evening by self unaccompanied.
Zeppelin over Shorncliffe and Folkestone.
*German Airship Raids – August 1915 saw a renewed effort in German airship raids on England. On August 9th and 10th four Zeppelins were sent to bomb London, none however were able to reach the intended target and one airship was taken down by British defences.
Saturday 7 August 1915 – showers
To work at 8 am till 12 noon. Go by train to Shorncliffe at 3 pm. Visit Princess Patricia’s Canadian Light Infantry camp. Return to Ashford at 8:35 pm. Am suffering with terrible headache and hayfever. Officer Commanding of the Canadian Ordnance Corps wishes me to transfer into Canadian Ordnance Corps.
Saturday 31 July 1915 – fine
Working up till 12 noon and at 3 pm take train to Shorncliffe. Met Riley and had coffee with him. He goes to London for 3 days. Arrive at camp at 4:30 pm and see the boys.
Have an awful headache.
Met Miss Challis and had chat. Had tea at Salvation Army.
Wrote letters in evening.
Paid £8 by pay master.
Wednesday 7 July 1915 – high winds
Making a post office box for Officers.
To Shorncliffe and Folkestone in evening and made purchases.
Back to camp at 8:30 pm
Tuesday 25 May 1915 – fine
Am granted a pass for a month and so are all others of the Princess Patricia’s Canadian Light Infantry in order to clean out the camp.
Leave Shorncliffe at 4:36 and arrive in London at 7:30. Stay at Union Jack Club.
*Union Jack Club – An Armed Forces Club in London. It is used by the members/veterans of the British Armed Forces and their families. The club has accommodations as well as a restaurant and bar. The club is still open to this day though it is housed in a new building as the original building was demolished in 1971.
Monday 24 May 1915 – fine
Stay in camp all day.
Draft of 25 men left Shorncliffe for reinforcing Princess Patricia’s Canadian Light Infantry. All old hands.
Monday 10 May 1915 – fine
Said good byes after patching up and left Seagrave for Leicester and Shorncliffe. Had to sprint across London to catch trains. Arrive in Shorncliffe at 6:30 (caught 4:25 from London). Nothing is said regarding days absence. Before leaving Leicester I called at John and Almena Draycot and Mrs Greene of Eastleigh Road.