3rd anniversary of Death of Walter Draycott of Seagrave. age 49 years.
Finishing off the Verandah and shingling the roof. Mr. Reid, Architect calls & asks me to do some work for him. I consent.
To Church at night & paint table in Vestry.
Walter Draycott’s Great War Chronicle
North Vancouver Museum & Archives
3rd anniversary of Death of Walter Draycott of Seagrave. age 49 years.
Finishing off the Verandah and shingling the roof. Mr. Reid, Architect calls & asks me to do some work for him. I consent.
To Church at night & paint table in Vestry.
To Church to stain & paint Vestry at 8 am.
Paid Lumber Bill $27.00 on my bill
Paid Lumber Bill $12.00 church
Right Honorable Joseph Chamberlain is dead.
Working on Vestry till 11:30 pm then home & to Haswell’s for Mrs. Graham. Leave at 12:40 for Vancouver. I cash my pension cheque $38.85. Then on to Granville St. & Hastings St. to make purchases with Mrs. Graham. Met Misses Minnie & Ferne Quirt. To Rex Theatre till 5:30. To White Lunch & had supper. Home to Haswell’s at 6:45 pm. Had supper at Haswell’s. Back to my house at 9 pm. Stayed till 9:45 pm. Then to Haswell’s. Mrs. Graham leaves for the Prince Albert boat at 10:30 pm in company of Mrs. & Mr. Haswell, Mr. Little and myself. Say goodbye & back home at 12:30 midnight.
*Joseph Chamberlain – A British politician with the Liberal Party and father of Prime Minister Neville Chamberlain.
I go to work on Vestry of Church all day till 5:30 pm. Pension cheque arrives. In evening to Haswell’s & take more snap shots of Mrs. Graham, & Haswells. I go for a walk to my property with Mrs. Graham & to tennis courts. Home to Haswells 10:30 pm.
Working all day at Church in Vestry doing carpentry work. Evening to Haswell’s & took snapshots of Mrs. Graham & Haswell. Mrs. Maycock entertains Mrs. Graham to afternoon tea.
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